new here?
Welcome to Christ Church! We are so glad you are here.
We are God’s children, young and old, single and married, widowed and divorced, gay and straight, from different cultures and of different ethnicities, all created in God’s image. United as one community in our worship and ministries, we celebrate the dignity of all people.
When are church services?
8 a.m.
A one hour contemplative communion service in the traditional style (Rite I), without musical accompaniment.
10 a.m.
An hour and fifteen minute more contemporary communion service with musical accompaniment and full choir. Children’s chapel and nursery care are available during this service.
5 p.m.
A one hour intimate, “come as you are” communion service with musical accompaniment (piano and guitar), blending the modern with the ancient.
6:30 p.m.
A one hour contemplative Evening Prayer service with communion, without musical accompaniment. A time for spiritual renewal in the midst of a busy week.
What can I expect?
The worship of God is why we gather: singing hymns, reading Bible verses, being inspired by sermons, praying for one another and the world, and joining in the Eucharist. Whether it’s called Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or Mass, the Eucharist is a remembrance and thanksgiving for what God has done for us in the person of Jesus. Everyone is welcome to participate.
For newcomers to the Episcopal Church, worship can be a new and different experience, so we try to make our worship easy to follow with leaflets handed out at each service.
Don’t worry about knowing when to stand, kneel, or make the sign of the cross. Some kneel during certain portions of the service as an act of reverence, while others stand. Some make the sign of the cross, while others may not. There is no right or wrong thing to do.
How should I dress?
Where do I park?
Christ Church is located at the corner of Connecticut Avenue and Franklin Street in Kensington. The entrance to the Church’s parking lot is on Everett Street, one block north of Franklin Street. You can turn onto Everett Street ONLY from Connecticut avenue southbound; Franklin Street can be accessed from both north and southbound directions.
Is there public transportation?
Where do I go?
There are accessible entrances on the Franklin Street side of the church with street parking and a ramp. Alternatively, there are accessible parking spaces in the Church parking lot; follow signs on the path to an accessible entrance and elevator.
To take children to the nursery or Children’s Chapel, you may use the single red door facing the parking lot and head downstairs.
Where do I bring my children for Sunday services?
Welcoming younger children aged up to the age of three begins at the Nursery door, where expert and loving care is offered on Sunday mornings from 9:45 AM -12:15 PM.
Children’s Chapel, worship designed for children from 4-10 years old, begins at 10 AM and concludes in time for participants to join their families for Communion.
Is there a Sunday School program?
Do you have a summer program for children?
Are there activities for Middle-Schoolers and High-Schoolers?
During the school year, youth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to meet with the Youth Minister every Sunday following the 10 a.m. service. Each week features discussion topics that connect our faith to current events, pop culture, and issues facing today’s youth. The youth group year culminates in a week-long summer mission trip.
During the school year, youth in grades 6 and 7 meet for “The Gathering,” a group whose activities and topics parallel the older kids’ but are geared towards younger teens and tweens.
Do you welcome LGBTQ+ individuals, couples, and families?
I’m divorced. Can I receive the sacraments?
I’m not sure what I believe. Is that OK?
Is the Christ Church Community involved in service to others?
Christ Church is committed to serving as Christ taught through a wide spectrum of local and international outreach programs. Christ Church members also support each other through the Prayer Tree and Healing Ministry and as individual needs come to light.
Are there programs for Adult Spiritual Growth?
Are there social events for members to get together?
Yes, join in monthly dinners, coffee hours, and popsicles on the lawn in summer. Celebrate the 12th day of Christmas with a dinner and party. Enjoy the annual church picnic. Delight in the camaraderie of the Women of Christ Church, serve with the Christ Church Men’s group, or participate in the “Cake and Crafts” group. March with us in the Kensington Labor Day parade, and have fun at many other activities throughout the year.