love in action
“… And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
— Micah 6:8
The pandemic and events of 2020 challenged us to create new ways to worship, connect, and be community; to sharpen our awareness and strengthen our response to injustice and the pressing need for reconciliation; and to enlarge the depth and breadth of spiritual formation opportunities.
Love in Action is our strategic response to these challenges.
Join us in answering the call to grow, reach, heal, reconcile, and love!
Racial & Social Justice
Christ Episcopal Church Kensington is committed to work against racism, intolerance, and exclusion with new vigor and passion. We will strive for racial justice by informing and educating ourselves, proclaiming our commitment to racial reconciliation and taking restorative action in our community.
Our Vision for Racial & Social Justice:
- Form and support an active Racial and Social Justice ministry team
- Learn our history and advocate for a better future
- Address inequalities in our community and celebrate racial and social justice themes in our worship
- Partner with faith-based and secular organizations in our community in the important work of justice
Faith & Spiritual Growth
Christ Episcopal Church Kensington is a community where all are welcomed to explore, search, and deepen their spirituality, no matter where they may be on their faith journeys.
Our Vision to Enrich and Expand our Formation Opportunities:
- Continue support for current spiritual formation opportunities for all ages
- Nurture and expand small group opportunities for growth and connection
- Offer formation activities in person or online throughout the week
- Encourage a spirit of discipleship – growing as followers of Jesus and mentoring others on the Way of Love
Reaching Our Neighbors
Our church is a community where all are welcome. We will widen that welcome, actively seeking and inviting people through innovative and accessible means. We will welcome all to share their curiosity, gifts and ideas, and encourage deeper engagement.
Our Vision to Better Reach Our Community:
- Empower current ministries with new tools to reach the broader community
- Engage with our community to attract a more diverse congregation
- Improve our digital presence and the online experience of Christ Episcopal Church
- Advance our communications strategy to better reach our neighbors
- Revitalize our worship and other spiritual and social activities to create a more welcoming environment