youth ministries
Welcome All Youth!
Teenage years are a time of enormous change for all families, filled with growth, questioning, and a vast array of challenges to be addressed by children and parents for the first time. Over the years, we have built a youth program designed to anchor our teens in the church’s youth community as the storm of change surrounds them. All youth in grades 6 through 12 are invited to meet every Sunday after the 10:00 a.m. service in the youth loft. Each week features a Bible passage and discussion topics relevant to today’s youth, facilitated by the Youth Minister and other leaders. The Youth Group experience is enhanced by service projects throughout the year and culminates in an annual mission trip.
To find out the latest and greatest, contact Youth Minister Madi at
We can’t wait to meet you!
Weekly Sunday Gatherings
During the school year, youth in grades 8 through 12 are invited to meet with the youth minister every Sunday after the 10:00 a.m. service (around 11:15 a.m.) in the youth loft. Each week features discussion topics that connect the Christian faith to current events, pop culture, and issues facing today’s youth. Youth in grades 6 and 7 meet in the Children’s Library for The Gathering, to participate in activities and topics geared towards younger teens and tweens.
Monthly Activities
Each month also features an activity such as a service project (random acts of kindness, serving the homeless with Grate Patrol, assembling Comfort Cases for foster youth) or a fellowship event (autumn bonfire, bowling, and laser tag are some of the favorites). The Christ Church Youth Council, made up of five teens who meet regularly with the youth minister, helps to plan these events and activities.
Annual Mission Trip
The youth group year culminates in a week-long summer mission trip. This event gives youth an opportunity to love their neighbors, practice being Christ’s light in the world, and have fun getting to know each other. Recent trips include Rutland, Vermont; Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota; Queens, New York; West Virginia; and Wilmington, North Carolina in 2019 where participants repaired homes damaged by Hurricane Florence.
Confirmation Class
For those who are already baptized and are in the ninth grade or above, confirmation offers a time and ritual to affirm their journey of faith in the Christian tradition. Students pursuing confirmation engage with a curriculum entitled “Confirm Not Conform,” which encompasses a comprehensive overview of the Episcopal Church and the core tenets of the faith, encouraging each participant to draw their own conclusions about their faith, beliefs, and values. Classes are typically small (three to five people) and run for four or five months, culminating in a confirmation service at Washington National Cathedral.