7th Sunday of Easter.

Dear friends,
We are hurting. There are no adequate words except perhaps to remind you that we struggle together. That love persists. That change is possible with action. On this Memorial Day weekend, we remember those in the military who served and died. We remember those killed in the mass shootings in the past two weeks and pray for Uvalde, Buffalo and Irvine, for all who mourn, and all who are afraid. And we remember our calling to love and serve the God of Love – by loving and serving all our neighbors – and discerning in prayer and conversation how to put that love in action for the good of all. We do it imperfectly, or at least I do, so I’m grateful for the grace that envelops us. Look for it. It’s there.
Be gentle with yourselves and with one another, and bless you,
Read on for info on VBS, Kensington’s Juneteenth Celebration, Pentecost, Honoring Graduates, Pride, and so much more.