membership FAQs
How do I become a member?
People often ask how to join Christ Church and what membership means: Membership at Christ Church is recognition of a mutual commitment between the member and the church. There are three steps to become a member of Christ Church:
1. Complete a membership form (with basic information such as your name, contact information, church background) and submit it to the church office. Download a Membership Form.
2. Participate in the life of the church!
3. Become a “giver of record,” that is, support the parish with a financial gift of any amount. Most members choose to fill out a pledge form, which is an estimate of their support each year. Learn more about pledging.
At Christ Church, new membership is recognized with a special liturgy (brief ceremony during a Sunday service) held several times a year.
What is expected of members?
Christ Church offers a spiritual home to doubters, seekers, and believers. Membership does not mean that one must put doubt behind or be firm in belief. Rather, we expect members of the church community to seek to lead a life of faith. This means sharing the joy of community worship as regularly as possible; being tolerant of one another and respecting the dignity of every human being; understanding that we don’t have all the answers but we’re always seeking to learn; offering of ourselves to the church through our talents and time; supporting the church financially as part of an overall life of generosity; helping to spread the message of Christ’s love in whatever way is possible for you.
What is expected of the Christ Church Community?
How do I decide if I want to be an official member?
People considering membership are invited to attend community worship, coffee hours, and any other church activities. The church hosts newcomer parties in the church or members’ homes and annual inquirer’s classes for those wishing to delve deeper, particularly those considering Baptism, Confirmation, or Reception. You may also want to meet with the Rector ( or Wardens (elected lay leaders) to address any particular questions or concerns.
Who is a member of Christ Church?
What if I don’t want to officially join Christ Church?
That’s fine! We consider everyone who shows up regularly to be part of our church family and membership is not a pre-requisite to join in the life of the community. The only aspects of church life that our by-laws and church laws (canons) restrict to official members are voting in parish elections and serving on the vestry (elected leadership).